APX System Special Features
APX 系 統 特 有 功 能

APX 智 能 動 態 生 產 進 程 及 規 劃 系 統
Active Processing Schedule System

APX 可以建立準確的生産計劃和排單。 系統是多重條件考慮的, 包括物料的需求、庫存和採購時間等,它會同時計算這些因素對排單造成的影響,從而計算出更準確和具執行性的結果。

APX - 把所有工廠接到的訂單,按照每張訂單的生產路線設定規劃出整間工廠每台機器、每個工序的仔細排程。不必擔心它的兼容性,它提供一個強勁且靈活的計算引擎。

APX 是運用「有限資源產能」的概念,無論多複雜的製造過程都可以在數秒至數分鐘內按實際條件建成整體排單。

並且已考慮了您的物料庫存、工具限制、工人、前 後工序等的配合,產生出來的排程可以直接下達車間命令生產。

APX - 做生產計劃的資料可以是從各齊全的數據導入排單系統,如製品、製程﹝工藝路線﹞、製單﹝工單/訂單/計劃單﹞,物料的需求、庫存和採購時間表,APX 就可以馬上建立準確的生產計劃和排單。


APX - 的主介面是簡單易明、以棒形圖像表示的甘特圖﹝Gantt Chart﹞,它提供了一個平台可以給用戶即時在上面拉拖移動﹝Drap & Drop﹞,讓你在拉動時即時知道帶出的改變。


系統完成 排單計算後,結果已是可以直接下達給車間去執行的了,因為排單的計算是仔細至每一機台、每一工序;每一分、每一秒,所以車間的主管可以直接按排單去指揮每 台機器操作。

系統會詳細告訴他每張工作單、每個工序的預計開機時間和完成時間,他們就可以提早為下一個工作做準備,從而減少停機的時間和提高生產力而且亦 可以把數據傳送回,組成完整的報告。

[ APX can create accurate production planning and scheduling. System will consider the multiple conditions, including the demand for materials, inventory and procurement time, it will also calculate these factors on the impact of Production scheduling, thus calculated more accurately and with the implementation of the results.

APX developed each process and the careful scheduling in accordance with the Job Orders of each production line, machine and procedure whenever the factories received the Sales Orders. Do not have to worry about its compatibility, it offers a robust and flexible computing engine.

APX in using the "limited resource capacity" concept, no matter how complex it is, manufacturing process can be developed in a few seconds to several minutes. With consideration of the actual conditions into the overall production schedule.

And have taken into account for inventory of materials, tools restrictions, workers, and other processes before and after the co-generated schedule, orders can be directly issued to the production workshop.

APX – different information can be produced from the full data into Production Scheduling Systems, such as products, processes ﹝ Routing ﹞, Issue Orders-﹝ Job Order / Sales Order / Order Plan﹞, the demand for materials, inventory and purchase timetable. APX can immediately establish accurate production planning and scheduling.

System will consider the multiple conditions; it will also calculate these factors on the impact of Production Schedule, thus calculated more accurately and with the implementation of the results.

APX - the main interface is simple and easy to understand. To coryneform image, ﹝ Gantt Chart ﹞ provides a platform for the users to ﹝ Drap & Drop ﹞, allowing you to react immediately. In pulling out you’ll be immediately aware of the changes.

The system will also restrict you to remove locations that do not meet the conditions, with a distinctive color to issue a warning to help you to make a wise decision.

When completing the Production Schedule calculation, the results are to be issued directly to the implementation of the workshop. Since the Production Schedule is carefully calculated to each plant, each operation; every minute, every second, the head of workshop can directly command each Production Schedule machine operation.

APX will tell him the expected start-up and completion time of every Job Order, so they can prepare the next working in advance, thereby reducing production break and improve productivity. It can also send data back to form a complete report. ]

HRM 人 力 資 源 管 理 系 統
Human Relationship Management System


HRM - 包含人事、出勤、卡鐘刷卡、薪資、人事異動、調薪、年資計算、特休計算、勞建保、寄保、年終獎金、調薪模擬、獎懲、考績、教育訓練,以及各項人事報表、出 勤報表、薪資報表等功能,是一完整之人力資源管理系統。

[ From the staff Task plan, work performance and administrative functions of the appraisal, it helps establish and improve human resources evaluation system, strengthening technical training and improve the enthusiasm of employees and work efficiency.

HRM - including Personnel, Attendance, Smart Card, Payroll, Personnel changes, Salary Adjectment, Working Years Bonus, the Special Leave, Labor Insurance, Annual Bonus, Salary Increases Template, Rewards and Punishments, Appraisal, Education and Training, and the Personnel Statements, Statements of Attendance, Payroll Statements, and other functions, thus a complete human resources management system. ]
MRP II 供 應 商 物 料 需 求 計 劃
Material Resources Planning II

以客戶訂單之所有物料計劃, 內容包括 : 客戶訂單號, 訂購單號, 供應商名稱, 訂單數量, 單位, 預計交貨日期, 已預約送貨日期, 已交數量, 已退數量, 欠數, 生産需要日期, 客戶訂單出貨日期.

此計劃顯示幕 之資料即時更新, 不同顔色代表不同情況, 亦有智慧預警功能, 提醒相關同事.

[ Sales Orders to plan for all materials, including: customer orders nos, purchase orders nos, vendor name, the quantity of orders, units, expected delivery date, booking date of delivery, quantity of delivery, quantity of return, outstanding quantity, Production needs date, the customer orders shipping date.

The program displays real-time information updates, different colors representing different status, have the wisdom of early warning function to remind the relevant colleagues. ]
CRM 客 戶 關 係 管 理 系 統
Customer Relationship Management System

CRM 管理系統基於網路、通訊、電腦等資訊技術,實現企業前臺、後臺不同職能部門的無縫連接,讓客戶能夠即時的瞭解到訂單的進度, 出貨情況, 貨品在途數量等.

同時也可以直接反饋客人的更多意見和需求, 實現互利雙嬴.

[ CRM management system is based on the Internet, communications, computers and information technology to attain seamless connection for frontier and backend functional departments. Customers can immediately understand the progress of orders, shipments and the number of goods in transit.

At the same time, feedback from customers can also review their suggestions and needs, thus achieving mutual benefits and Win Win. ]
CRP - 能 力 需 求 計 劃
Capacity Resources Planning

CRP 與 MPS 主生產計劃給合使用, 將生產計劃轉換成對主要資源的能力需求的過程, 顯示人力資源, 設備, 機器, 庫存空間及供應商的能力, 給出能力需求的情況.

從而顯示出瓶頸資源的問題, 可以在能力方面評估主生產計劃的可行性進行相應的調整.

人力計劃, 工作中心計劃 以時間線圖表及資料, 即時顯示各生産計劃內已定各需之所需之人力, 機器佔用情況, 以不同顔色來表示情況.

[ CRP and the MPS are for the main production plan to use. Production plan will be converted to calculating the main resource capacity needs of the process, with human resources, equipment, machinery and inventory space and the ability of suppliers, given the capacity needs of the situation.

To show that bottleneck resources in the main production capacity so as to assess the viability of the scheme and make the appropriate adjustments.

Manpower planning and project work on line chart and information to display real-time production plan that chas been scheduled to take the needed manpower, machinery occupation, with a different colour to that situation. ]

OA 辦 公 自 動 化 及 審 批 系 統
Office Automation & Approval System

OA - 全面實現無紙化辦公室,文檔網路多級審批,即時工作問責制度,全面提升工作效率。

用Internet/Intranet技術,基于工作流的概念,使企業內部人員方便快捷地共享信息,高效地協同工作; 改變過去複雜、低效的手工辦公方式,實現迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息處理,爲企業的管理和決策提供科學的依據。


[ OA - the full realization of paperless office, multi-level network document processing and instant work of the accountability system can comprehensively enhance the working efficiency.

Using Internet / Intranet technology and based on the concept of work flow, internal staff can share information quickly and easily so as to work more efficiently; change the previous complex and inefficient way of manual work and achieve rapid and comprehensive information collection and information processing for the management of the business and provide a scientific basis for decision-making.

Tos achieve the degree of automation is to achieve a measure of its modern management standards. ]

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